Tuesday, 19 October 2010

And in the beginning...

Hello. We are Stroke Your Beard. 
There are only fragments of information gathered from weary travelers and old songs but  the story goes that on one particularly sunny afternoon, three exceptionally hairy men found themselves at a loss as to what to do. With this in mind they did what any self respecting men would have done and immediately set out in search of noise.
When they found the noise they were ecstatic and immediately bottled it for safe keeping. Now once the first noise had been found there was no stopping it, they searched far and wide, up and down from side to side and town to town and soon enough they had more noise than they could ever have imagined possible! What to do? Well there seemed only one option. They made one incredibly big noise.
This noise has now gotten so large that it is flooding the streets for all to hear.
The next show is on the 23rd October and we look forward to sharing it with you.
With love
Stroke Your Beard.

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